I finished this lovely quilt in time for the 3rd Ward Handmade Holiday Fair, and I'm so glad I did! The table had a beautiful stack of quilts, and people gave them such a warm reception. People who didn't stop to look or chat just couldn't stop themselves from running their hand over the soft quilted surfaces. THAT was the biggest compliment of the day.

I'm doing my last shop update before the holidays and my trip back to PA. I hope you all find what you're looking for, this lovely included! As always please feel free to contact me with any questions!

The light has certainly changed these past two weeks, and it truly feels like winter time. I'm loving piling on the extra layers and bundling up with my monster scarf when I go outside. We've been eating lots of roasted winter veggies too, and I have to say I love winter foods the very most. I'm looking forward to all of my holiday favorites when we visit Pennsylvania later this month.