Making crib sized quilts super refreshing amidst the giant projects I usually have in the works, so even when I don't know a baby on the way I'll occasionally whip one up. They're quick, easy, and really excellent stash busters. This one is due to get some bright red hand quilting and grey binding. I'm not quite sure the stitch pattern I'll do for the quilting yet, but I'm sure it will be some sort of play on triangles. Hands down my favorite pattern to sew is flying geese. I oddly find pressing open a seam on the bias to be really satisfying. For all of you non quilters most seams or cuts that are on a 45 degree angle are on the bias (this depends on the grain of the fabric), and what makes them so fun/interesting to me is that fabric behaves differently when it is cut this way. Suddenly it becomes a bit stretchy and won't fray, its like magic.