Since moving, this might be the first weekend I've been able to wholeheartedly enjoy in NYC. I start my new job tomorrow, and I'm both relieved and excited about a new start. I pity anyone job searching right now, and I feel realy lucky to have found the spot I did. The hurricane that didn't even let a drop loose here brought the most beautiful almost fall weather. Open windows, card games, ferry rides, quilting, chats and dinner with friends: all the ingredients for a perfect quiet weekend in town.
I've started a new quilt, and its going to take quite a while. After being inspired by this medallion quilt-along on flickr. I've decided to start my own hand piecing some oddball fabrics and scraps I've got lying around. This mariners compass isn't quite big enough yet to be the center medallion, so I'm going to build it out with some fancy corners and a border made with one of Tim's old shirts.