Things are looking up around here! If you missed it, yesterday I was featured on DailyCandy's NYC edition with a DIY of my quilted coasters. A huge thank you to the editors at DailyCandy for sharing my work. I hope you all will make your own set of coasters.

Spring is bringing along all sorts of new projets and changes into my life. New York City is always reminding me to do things my own way, even when the going gets tough! I'm starting a super exciting new job very soon, although I owe the job I'm leaving for helping really feel like I belong in this big ol' city.

Crafter, sewer, or stitcher with retail experience looking for a job in NYC? Email with your resume and a link to some of your work.

I've been working on the next round of my medallion quilt, and these little golden bricks are really matching the mood around here lately. Hope your projects are putting a little spring into your step too!

If you've been reading my blog since the summer you will remember this quilt as a few pieced "melons". I work on it in nutty binges --- I'll devote 15 hours one weekend thinking that I can finish it only to find that I've  added a row. Lately, it has been balled up on my workbench. Don't get me wrong, I am totally enjoying this: the curves are so fun to sew and planning where each little piece will go is enough to make Tim convinced I have OCD (I'm still calling it patience and precision, lol). I've been in love with double wedding ring quilts since I was a little girl and this one is mine. I'm already dreaming about the hours of handquilting ahead, and my living room is in desperate need of this quilt!

We don't really do Valentines Day or Anniversaries at our house, but we're excited that Herman Miller's Lifework blog asked us to do a joint interview about music and making work in our studio so close to Valentines Day. After all this is happiness at our house: making our own things in the same space and sharing what we're making with one another. Also Tim's DJing while we're working is probably the #3 reason I love him so much. Check out our interview and video playlist over on Lifework today!

Just in time for Mini Quilt Monday and Valentines Day I whipped up this little number. The free pattern and more detailed explanation of this quick little quilting project is available on the Pins and Needles blog, Start Stitching, where I'll be guest blogging Fabric Remixes, Quilting Inspiration, and Quilting Projects. I'm also teaching a 4 session quilting class starting February 22nd. I'm so lucky to call this beautiful shop my new home away from home --- stop in and check out the beautiful Upper East Side space yourself. You'll probably find me there most days!

I'm still rolling on my hand pieced top for the Medallion Quilt Along. I'm really just loving this project, and enjoying learning all of the new techniques.

I was pretty terrified that the bits of red and darks in the stacked logs row were killing the feel of the quilt, but now that I'm working out further I'm feeling really good about it again. It was also very reassuring to read on Bloomin Workshop that others were feeling the same way after that round. Its so fun how each row influences the next.

I am wishing I had 1/2 yd more of the Kaffee Fasset blue dots on acid yellow for future rows. It might be time to scour the internet.