Tim and I decided to take advantage of our air conditioning and enjoyed a nice quiet 4th at our place working on some projects, cooking and baking. I made these mini strawberry galettes modified from this recipe. Hope you all enjoyed an equally relaxing summer holiday.
So I've begun piecing together those little star squares using our old shirts that I posted about a few weeks ago. Can I just say I'm a Hope Valley hater without embarrassment?! I tried to give the line the benefit of the doubt because I love Denyse Schmit and the little motifs on the fabrics a ton. I just wish it were a smidge less muted and creamy. I had bought this orange for the sunrise and sunset pillows but it looked terrible in the mix, so I tossed it into this top since I have a 'use up the stash' rule at the moment. It's alright, just barely working. I'm hoping to suck up the rest of the yard I bought on the back with the natural linen I plan to use to finish this baby. Tim will be chalk drawing some modern and intricate pattern onto the robins egg solid bits for me to hand quilt in hopes of toning down the traditional feel. Working with the shirting material has been such a joy. My mom used one of Tim's favorite shirts that was damaged here (and strangely he's sitting next to me in its replacement as I type), so I had to try it too. We're never throwing out our old button ups again because they're way cuter than a lot of fabrics you can buy for quilting. I've got some more of Tim's flashy plaids to look forward to soon!
The happy sunrise and sunset pair are finally both finished, and residing on my studio couch. I was worried Tim and I would be afraid to actually use them, but they dramatically improve the comfort of the sofa since the arms aren't very padded. I like that we're actually going to give them some wear! One day when I'm feeling especially neurotic I'd love to make an estimate of the number of hand quilting stitches there are, hah!
I started these pillows last summer, and worked on them slowly over dozens of train rides between Boston and New York City while Tim and I were living apart. They were the first quilting project I started, and I didn't even have a sewing machine for most of the time I was working on them. It's amazing how a long term project like this changes your relationship with the process of making a thing each and every time. Instead of a quilt I throw together in a week or so, the year I worked gave these a story and connection with a certain time in my life - one full of challenges and life changing experiences.
I've been piecing some new squares, clearly continuing with my little triangle obsession. I think there might be some super bright sashing involved even though the typical effect of this motif is a little stronger when the blocks are stitched directly together. Maybe some linen? We'll see.
Super fun weekend with my little buddy, and her mama and daddy! I'd say we took the big apple by storm!